NSW Govt plans to cut off the Menindee Lakes

Please sign this petition to Save Menindee Lakes from being cut off from the Darling-Baaka River and de-commissioned.

To the Speaker and Members of the NSW Legislative Assembly, we the undersigned, request that the NSW Parliament stop plans to cut off the Menindee Lakes from the Darling-Baaka River and instead reform water management to ensure less extraction in the Northern Basin of the Murray Darling Basin, so that more water flows down the Darling-Baaka River and into Menindee Lakes.

We also request that the NSW Parliament investigate having the Menindee Lakes listed as a RAMSAR site to give it status as an important area for migratory birds.

Plans to reconfigure the Menindee Lakes system to reduce water in the system by up to 80% will have a catastrophic impact on the ecological value of the system, detrimental affects on the community of the far west of NSW, and impinge on the cultural practices and sacred sites of the Barkindji.

The Menindee Lakes is an important fish breeding nursery for the Murray Darling Basin. It is a critical habitat for a huge variety of birds and other animals. 

The Menindee Lakes is an important tourist and recreational asset for the community and economy of the far west of NSW.

Mass fish kills, dry river beds, poor water quality and a lack of water all underline the need to revive the Darling-Baaka River. De-commissioning Menindee Lakes will not revive the river, and may lead to more extraction and floodplain harvesting upstream.  The fundamental problem of the over-extraction of water in the Northern Basin must be addressed to revive the Darling-Baaka River and the communities and environment along its course.

We urge the members of the NSW Parliament to reject plans for reconfigure the Menindee Lakes.


Who's signing

Elle Westbury
Irene Timmins
David Lewis
Bruce Halket
Matthew Hezel
Yvonne Hezel
Steve Fermio
Mila Kasby
Tricia Harrison
Elizabeth Cook
Hugh Vaughan
Nazaré Castro Santos
Peter Burling
Yoon Ooi
Lara Shearman
Livio Djakovic
Robyn Wickham
Claire Taylor
Miihael Morrissey
Gary Goodman
Jennifer Kappe
Jorj Lowrey
Conrad Parkes
Paul Hanasz
Aidan Flanagan
Jane Pritchard
Donna Abbott
Philip Murray
John Venezia
James Gourley
GOAL: 1,367 signatures

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  • Elle Westbury
  • Irene Timmins
  • David Lewis
  • Bruce Halket
  • Matthew Hezel
  • Yvonne Hezel
  • Steve Fermio
  • Mila Kasby
  • Tricia Harrison
  • Elizabeth Cook
  • Hugh Vaughan
  • Nazaré Castro Santos
  • Peter Burling
  • Yoon Ooi
  • Lara Shearman
  • Livio Djakovic
  • Robyn Wickham
  • Claire Taylor
  • Miihael Morrissey
  • Gary Goodman
  • Jennifer Kappe
  • Jorj Lowrey
  • Conrad Parkes
  • Paul Hanasz
  • Aidan Flanagan
  • Jane Pritchard
  • Donna Abbott
  • Philip Murray
  • John Venezia
  • James Gourley